
The second-most requested feature is leaderboards. That's why starting this round we will have leaderboards per round.


There are a number of different ways you can "rank" or score in a game. It took me a while to get to the following:

You don't want to reward only one type of strategy, so there have to be multiple rewards for different types of strategies.

--- This was a draft post.... 

Wow.... 2 years later. Leaderboards have been a great part of the game. They're fully automised and work fantastic, I've built a system that allows me to dynamically add new "medals" and custom code, which will just work at the end of a round. Very happy with that result, even though it's been going for over a year already.

Next steps are of course giving the medals/awards some more styling, but that'll come with the next few updates for sure.

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